Returns Policy

We aim for your complete satisfaction with any purchase from If you find yourself dissatisfied, we offer a full refund for returns made within 30 days of purchase.

If for any reason the product is damaged in transit, please contact us without delay so we can arrange a replacement.

For Damaged Orders or Warranty Claims:

  1. Notify us via email about the damaged or warranty claim item, including your invoice number. Images / videos are useful here.
  2. Await an authorisation email, which will provide collection or exchange instructions.
  3. Ensure the item is securely packaged in its original packaging or a suitable alternative and attach the returns label provided in your authorisation email.
  4. Our collection agents will handle the pickup. Following collection, we will proceed with either a replacement or a refund.
  5. Refunds are typically processed within 10 working days.

Important Notes:

  • Damaged goods must be returned within 30 days.
  • Warranty claims are valid only for products registered at the time of purchase and within the specified guarantee periods.
  • Notification of damaged goods must be made within 48 hours of receipt.
  • Providing photographs of the damage or fault can aid our assessment and improve service efficiency.
  • Please wait for our confirmation email before initiating the return process.

Unwanted Items:

  • Returns of unwanted items are accepted within 30 days of the invoice date.
  • Items must be undamaged, unmarked and in all original packaging.
  • The return shipment must be arranged and paid for by you, using a recorded delivery service.
  • Unwanted items are returned at your expense.
  • Please allow 10 working days for us to receive the goods and process your refund.


What is your return address?
Units 2A - 3A Draycott Business Centre, Draycott, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, GL56 9JY

Do you offer a collection service?

We arrange collections for damaged items or those under warranty claim at no extra cost. For unwanted goods, a £10 charge applies.

How long does the process take?

Typically, it takes 7 to 10 working days once we receive the returned goods.

Customer Service Contact:

For further assistance, please call 0330 1181339 or email in**@ho**********.com.

4 litre Tank Specification
Capacity: 4 ltrs
Width: 197 mm
Depth: 299.5 mm
Height: 272.5 mm
2.4 Litre Tank Specification
Capacity: 2.4 ltrs
Width: 188 mm
Depth: 188 mm
Height: 262 mm